10 excuses for not meeting someone: alibis that never fail

Let’s face it: sometimes we are lazy to see certain people. Even if you have a great time when you hang out with them, sometimes we find any excuse not to. And it’s not a bad thing, it’s happened to all of us! We can spend the funniest afternoon or night with someone, our backgrounds may be legendary, but the day may come when you’re too lazy to date that same person. And that’s not the problem, the problem is how we tell him so he doesn’t get upset. Just as you have the right not to feel like meeting, that person has the right to get upset.

Our first and most important recommendation is that you be honest. It is not about saying something like “I don’t feel like meeting you” because it can be a bit abrupt. What you can do is recognize what is happening to you: that you are tired and you want to spend an afternoon or evening for yourself, preferring to leave the meeting for another day. The truth is that, as we said, it has happened to all of us and it is quite understandable that someone feels that way.

However, there are other times when that sincerity doesn’t count. Let’s give an example: your group of friends hasn’t seen each other for three months and you’ve closed a meeting for a few weeks. It would be to kill you if you don’t go! But nothing, you don’t feel like it. So for those cases in which you want to keep your group of friends or a friend in particular, there are a number of excuses for not meeting someone that you can use. Do you want to know which alibis never fail for it? Let’s see it!

What are the best excuses for not meeting someone? 

Take to work

Yes, we have all complained about our work at some point, but we did not imagine that at any given time we could use it as an excuse. It may not seem like it, but on some occasions, work can save us from dating someone we don’t want to meet. Anyone you tell them will feel sorry for you and they won’t object to you. “Look, I have a lot of work and I probably have to work late”, is the typical excuse that no one will reply to because it is understood that duty is something that comes before leisure (at least on this occasion, which you interested).


It may seem like the typical excuse, but all of us women have suffered some period episode that has left us more than lying on the sofa. Therefore, if someone tells us “my period has dropped, I’m devastated. I feel like throwing myself on the sofa and not talking to anyone” we can understand it perfectly and not say anything, or try to convince that person. The perfect excuse to not go to an appointment.

A birthday

Everyone knows that birthdays are easily forgotten dates. Therefore, remembering that you have a last-minute birthday will be the most normal thing in the world. Of course, no one has to know if it is a birthday for a friend, an acquaintance, your grandmother, an acquaintance of your grandmother… The limit is where you want to establish it and how much or little the person you know knows you. The one you are making the excuse for, of course.

I had already stayed and I did not remember

As we have said before, there are a series of excuses that you cannot use very often or, otherwise, it will end up being noticed! It may happen that, after having met someone and realizing that you don’t feel like going at all, you “realize” that you had met someone else before and you have to cancel. In the end, no one will know if you really have met another person or if you have stayed at home calmly. And best of all, if the case is real first (or in the end you meet another person with whom you fancy more, nothing will happen! If they see you with her, it won’t be caught). In the second case, no one will know either if, in the end, they have left you stranded and you have had to stay at home.

Friends and emergencies

It is understood by all that a close friend may have an emergency and need your help. The reason? It can be anyone, from when she just dumped her boyfriend to when she dumped his car. The excuse is perfect for not meeting someone: “we can meet another day but this person urgently needs my support”. Who is going to deny that decision?

Golden opportunities

There are times when life gives you opportunities that you cannot refuse. We refer to those unique moments that happen to you by chance, for example, the opportunity to adopt a kitten or the opportunity to see the apartment of your dreams for rent. Like these examples, you surely have thousands, so why not think of something like that and tell the person you’ve met?

Family first

It would be ugly if someone got ahead of your family, wouldn’t it? For the same reason, your family (parents, grandparents, nephews, children…) will always be ahead and will be, on more than one occasion, the perfect excuse. “I’m sorry, I have to spend this afternoon with my family, otherwise they’ll kill me” is the most used and understandable excuse that you could ever imagine.

The formation

We know that this excuse will not work for you if your appointment is at night, but it will be good whether it is at lunchtime or in the afternoon. The story is that more and more online training is taking (although it will also be worth it if it is face-to-face) so using as an excuse that you start a course of X hours is one of the good ones. And this one you can repeat as many times as you want. Nobody knows how many hours the course has! Of course, worry about thinking about what you are doing the course and try to make it something about which you have certain notions…

The nap excuse that has gotten out of hand

Let’s see, a nap has gotten out of hand for all of us and you can always play it at the last minute (man, keep in mind the time it takes for the person to leave the house, so as not to risk it too much) and say that you have fallen asleep and you just woke up Attention, because this implies a level of insouciance of not picking up the phone or answering What Sapp that not everyone is able to bear.

The illness

At this point you can resort to illness as a vital excuse to get rid of this meeting. And there is no disease that does not leave more locked up at home and, at the same time, that is talked about less than diarrhea. Yes, it’s a bit explicit, but ask yourself how badly you want to not meet that person and you’ll have the answer to whether or not it’s worth making this excuse.

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