10 things you should know about friendship when you turn 30

Sometimes we focus on relationships that are more fickle and downplay friendships. Friendship is also a commitment, for better or for worse, and that is why we must take care of it as much as love. There are a few things you should know about friendship when you turn 30, don’t forget them.

Things to keep in mind about friends

Friends are that life support as important as family and sometimes more. That is why from time to time we like to sing about friendship, to remember that friends are the greatest treasure we have in life and that it is worth fighting to keep all those friends by our side.

  1. Friendship must be taken care of. Even friends who are at a distance require care, attention and pampering. If so many times we talk about making an effort as a couple to keep love alive, the same thing happens with friendship.
  2. Friendship is not forever. It is true that a friendship relationship, if it is true, is more stable than the most stable relationship, but sometimes it breaks with a friend, for various reasons. And that friendship is never recovered.
  3. In the good and in the bad. Friendship also implies commitment, not just the couple. Friends are through thick and thin, in sickness and in health and are more likely to be with you until death do you part.
  4. The friends of your life. There are friendships that appear along the way and others that are yet to come. But the true magic of friendship is found in those lifelong friends who accompany you on this journey since childhood.
  5. The essential friends. You must fight for your friendships because there are essential friends that you should not lose for anything in the world. Fight against all odds for your relationship outside of jealousy from partners or family recommendations.
  6. It looks like friendship but it’s not. There are also fake friends or fake friends. It looks like friendship but it is not when a false friend manipulates you, blackmails you or tries to change the way you are.
  7. Accept friends. The same thing you claim for yourself, you must give it to your friends. Friends are accepted as they are, precisely because of their way of being, even if it has nothing to do with yours. After all, different people enrich you much more.
  8. The cloth of tears one of the main functions of friendship is to serve as a cloth for tears. They stoically endure your emotional ups and downs and your rants when everything goes wrong.
  9. Not without my friends. And when everything goes well, your friends are also the first to know. That you have fallen in love, that you have found the job of your dreams, that you have gone to live alone, that you are going on a trip…
  10. Friendship as therapy. Sometimes life gives you such unpleasant surprises that they leave you depressed and without the strength to continue. In these cases, friends are an essential support to push you out of that depression, that pothole or that darkness into which you have fallen.

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