12 ideas to tell my friends that I’m getting married (original and fun)

You have finally taken the plunge! You are getting married! What great news right? In addition to the preparations: setting the wedding date, reserving the restaurant, looking for the dress… you have to tell your friends that you are going to attend a very special event on such a day. How to do it differently, emotionally and to be remembered? With these original and fun ideas to tell your friends that you are getting married!

I get married! Fun and emotional ideas to tell your friends

I don’t know what is more exciting, if the wedding day itself or the fact of thinking about it. And it is that, the wait is so sweet, you live with such enthusiasm, that you never want it to end. And, of course, your friends live it with you: since you told them you had a boyfriend until now when you are going to tell them that the time has come to wear white. Are you lacking original ideas? We have to give and take!

Wedding puzzle: puzzle pieces

Prepare a few puzzle pieces that, when you put them all together, read the wedding date, a photo of the ring, a white wedding dress or anything else like that that will let your friends know that in a few months you are going to stop being single Of course, reserve the whole afternoon, it is a plan to enjoy together!

Personalized wedding magazine

It will take you a little more time, especially since you will have to print a copy for each friend, no one will want to be without it! But writing an article that reads your story and the day of the wedding is the most original more than one will bring tears to their eyes!

T-shirts for two: he asked, she said yes

Is the boyfriend also part of the group of friends? So you tell them to meet up on a Friday afternoon, as you usually do, and then you and your boy introduce each other with a T- shirt that reads ‘he asked’, ‘she said yes’ (‘he asked, she He said yes’) Can you imagine the surprised face that everyone will make when they read it? Now you can get ready for a good batch of hugs and congratulations!

A couple’s riddle, let’s see who can solve it first!

One day you meet for lunch and you give them an envelope with some clues: ‘it’s special’, ‘something is going to change’. Another day you walk past a wedding dress store and look away. And so, track after track, until they pick up the baton and ask you “could it be that you’re getting married?”

Sequence of photos of your courtship, how emotional!

On children’s birthdays it takes a lot to make a video with a few photos from that year, what if you do something similar to tell your friends that you are getting married? Photos of your first date, of that trip to the beach, of the day you all went out to dinner together, of the gift he gave you for your birthday up to the wedding ring. Emotions are going to run high!

Colored balloons, another ideal way to tell your friends that you are getting married

An idea as simple and easy to carry out as it is original and fun. You fill the house with colored balloons and on some of them you draw a couple, a wedding ring or write the phrase ‘ we’re getting married! ‘Ask the boyfriend if he agrees with the idea and let’s get to work!

How to tell your friends that you are getting married: ideas and proposals

The time has come to tell your friends that your partner will be waiting for you at the altar in a few months. And it is that, that one of the group gets married, is more than a reason for celebration, and also the perfect excuse to break the news in a fun way like the most.

Pre-wedding celebration kit

It is a kind of appetizer to which the bachelorette party will be in style. You tell your friends to make up that tonight only you are going out and, in the middle of the party, as if you didn’t want to, you give them the news. If you’re having a party at home, decorate the living room to your liking: flowers, confetti, something to snack on, some photos at the entrance… don’t skimp on the details, it’s going to be a moment to remember.

Save the date: save this day because I’m getting married!

Have you ever heard of ‘save the date’? It has become very fashionable lately because of how original it is like a wedding announcement. It consists of telling the friends to reserve a day, July 18 for example, because that will be the date on which they have to dress as bridesmaids and guests at your wedding. You can prepare a nice card in which the date and some hearts are written down or even accompany it with a little detail such as some small dolls dressed as if they were you and your boy. Rest assured that it will be something they will always keep!

Design a family tree

Is it part of your wedding plans to start a family? You can draw a family tree of the family and point out your link, even leaving a bullet for the one who will be the baby that will be coming. Original and emotional is a while, don’t you think?

Girls only dinner

You put the following message in your chat: “I need you, tonight at my house at 8:00 pm” and you let your friends think what they want. You prepare a simple dinner with a few delicious and varied appetizers and some cocktails for later and, when they knock on the door, you ask them to sit at the table (you already dressed in a nice dress) and to open the note on top ( prepare them ahead of time so you don’t get caught red-handed): “I’m getting married!” It will be the message they read.

Lets go shopping? It’s time to see wedding dresses!

It may seem like the typical phrase for every start of the season, only this time it is not about the usual purchases, but about a wedding dress store! Meeting at the entrance to the store will be the key clue that will confirm to your friends the suspicions they had when they saw you so happy and content lately. Isn’t that a precious moment? Do not forget to tell them to help you choose your bouquet of flowers too!

Wedding announcement video to send in the chat of friends

Surely you like the last idea we have for you as much as the previous ones, it has the extra advantage of being very easy to do. You see, prepare a small video in which you tell your friends that you are getting married and, when you have it ready, you send it to them through the usual chat, but be careful, you have to send it when you are with them, so you can see the surprise and joy on their faces when they see it.

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