5 ways to know that a friend may be toxic to you

When we talk about toxic relationships, the relationship of a couple immediately comes to mind, however, there are also toxic friendship relationships. And you also have to cut them before they do more damage. We have a few ways to tell that a friend may be toxic to you.

How to know if a friend is toxic

Toxic people are not only couples, but also family and friends. Despite the value we place on friendship, or precisely because of that, we must learn to detect toxic friends as soon as possible.

  • Emotional blackmail. Your friend emotionally blackmails you and in the end always gets you to do what he wants. Manipulation not only occurs in the couple, attentive to friendships.
  • Jealousy. if you thought that jealousy was exclusive to insecure couples, you are wrong. A toxic friend may also be jealous of your partner or your other friends.
  • Exclusiveness. That friend who loves you so much and so much that he cannot spend a second without you, who demands your attention at all times and who calls you regardless of the time, place or who you are with, is also a very toxic friend.
  • Tips. it’s not bad for a friend to give you advice even if you haven’t asked for it. But when those tips are directed at changing aspects of your personality, you have to be very careful because he is a full-fledged toxic person.
  • Influence. there are also friends who are a bad influence. And we are not referring to habits or activities, but to attitudes. That pessimistic friend who is envious of your illusions and discourages you when it comes to fighting for your dreams does not deserve to be your friend.

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