6 signs that give you away as a bad friend

Friends are fundamental pillars in our lives and we must take care of them as much as the couple, as the family and as ourselves. But have you ever wondered if you are a bad friend? Of course it is easier to see the mistakes that others make than ours, so from time to time you have to do a little self-criticism, another little introspection and reflect on the type of friends we are. Discover the signs that you are a bad friend.

You are a bad friend? These are the signs

It is possible that you have censored some attitude of a friend of yours, considering that she was being a bad friend. You may have wondered if one of your best friends wasn’t actually a toxic person or a bad influence. But have you ever wondered about yourself? What if your friends think you’re not as good a friend as you think?

You disappear from their lives when you have a boyfriend

Unfortunately it is a very frequent attitude that of disappearing from your friends’ lives when you have a partner. Some disappearance is normal the first few weeks when you meet the presumed love of your life due to the intensity of the crush, but you cannot lose your friendships for a partner. It is dangerous for you, she will miss you and you all lose with this situation.

You only call when you need something

If you never text your friends just to say hello or to ask how everything is going, let us tell you that you are not a good friend. If you only call when you need something, when you want to meet up because you’re bored or because you need to be comforted, think for a moment if this is how you would like to be treated.

You are never there when they need you

Your friend is having a terrible time due to a breakup and you are missing because you just met a fabulous guy. You don’t have time for his tears and his grief and you don’t feel like going to his house because he will make you get out of your bubble of happiness. You’ll move on when things calm down.

You never have time

We know that you are a very busy person, with many obligations and many problems, but you always, always, always have to set aside time to spend with your friends. Because after all, friends are part of that life of yours that is so busy, so complicated or so intense that you have.

You criticize your friends

The most obvious sign that you are a bad friend is that you criticize one of your friends. How can this happen? Friends are loved as they are, with their flaws and their virtues. And what is more important, the friends are protected from any criticism.

You envy your friends

You can feel that so-called healthy envy when your friend goes on vacation and doesn’t stop uploading photos to Integra. But if you notice a certain inner anger and you are not happy about her happiness, you better rethink what kind of friendship you are building with your closest circle.

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