7 types of friendships that we meet throughout life

Many times we focus on the relationship as a couple and lose sight of the importance of friendship. Friends, like couples, also come and go, it is not true that a friend is forever. At least not in all cases. And there are many types of friends that we can meet throughout life.

Types of friends you meet in life

There are friends that are forever and there are friends that disappear. Some have been with us all our lives and others appear along the way. There will even be some kind of friend to come. We love them all, precisely because they are the way they are.

  1. The one from childhood. Your best friend has been with you practically since you were born. She is almost a member of your family because you have known each other forever and your friendship reflects that ‘forever’that many happy coupleswould like. It is an indestructible friendship.
  2. The reveler. There is a type of friends, we speak of men and women interchangeably, to whom you do not confide, but they are always there to partyand have fun. They generally bet on being singleas a way of life to always be available.
  3. The confidant. When you have doubts, when you have to make an important decision, when you have relationship problems, when a secretburns in your hands, you have him or her to vent and tell everything.
  4. The cloth of tears Your life is not a continuous drama, but the most difficult moments are always spent with the same person, that friend who supports you, comforts you and his empathy for him makes you feel better next to him.
  1. The Guadiana. Just as in couple relationships there are Guadiana men, who appear and disappear, there are also in friendship relationships. A friend who lives far away and to whom you are sometimes very close and other times is a true stranger. But he always comes back.
  2. The virtual. You almost never see each other in person but he is always on the other side of the screen for whatever you need. Virtual friendshipis as possible, as true and as effective as the conventional one. If you can find the love of your lifeon the internet, you can also find the friend of your life.
  3. The counselor. You don’t ask him, but he or she always has advice readyfor you. You may not use those tips later, but you know they come straight from the heart.

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