Conversation Topics

Birthday messages: Beautiful whatsapps to congratulate your friends

The same thing every year… Your friend’s birthday arrives and again you don’t know how to congratulate him. If you are one of those who is too lazy to call by phone and you prefer to send birthday messages … We have the solution! Here are some ideas of beautiful whatsapps to congratulate your friends on their day. We take care […]

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Conversation topics to like strangers: make a good impression

Starting conversations with strangers is, like everything in life, a matter of practice. There are people who are born with a gift to talk to someone they don’t know. What envy, right? They talk to anyone on any subject and, moreover, always in a correct way and adapted to the situation in which they find themselves. As if they had

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Philosophical conversation topics to talk to someone intellectual

When we believe that we already have all the flirting tactics mastered, suddenly someone arrives and dismantles all our beliefs. Just when you thought winking and smiling was done, you come across a person who needs an intellectual conversation that will challenge them. And then all the schemes break because, in reality, you like him and you are attracted

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Prank messages to send to trusted friends

Sometimes we send messages to blow off steam, but we can also lighten each other’s day by sending some prank messages. Making a smile is a gesture of friendship that we can achieve with a simple WhatsApp. In our messages to everyone we also have joke messages for trusted friends. Joke messages to make you laugh The funny messages are intended for those most trusted

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14 Insufferable Topics of Conversation Women Hate To Keep Up

Do not eat the head! Talking to us is not that different than talking to a man. The problem is that there are still many macho prejudices around women that make us very tired. That’s why, as women, we recommend you avoid these 14 Insufferable Topics of Conversation All Women Hate to Have. It already! Avoid these topics of conversation with a

14 Insufferable Topics of Conversation Women Hate To Keep Up Read More »

Conversation topics to talk (not just about the weather) with the neighbors

There are situations in life that – whether we want to or not, we are lazy or embarrassed – have to be faced, such as meeting and talking with the neighbors. Likeable, angry with life, affectionate, smiling, a little borderline… There are all kinds of them, so many that they even give rise to arguments for

Conversation topics to talk (not just about the weather) with the neighbors Read More »

Geeky conversation topics to avoid messing up with geeky people

Surely when you hear the word geek, some people considered ‘weird’ or with somewhat unusual hobbies quickly come to mind. The same will happen to you with geeks, a word used to refer to those who are passionate about technology, computers, computing and advances in these areas. Despite the fact that some people use these words

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