Conversation topics (and plans) to cheer someone up

It is practically impossible to stay a whole year happy. Happiness is a state of mind that is measured by moments and, throughout a full year, you will go through good moments and some in which the mood will be somewhat lower.

The same goes for the people around us. Friends and family will have moments in which they will support us and others in which they will need a word of encouragement to encourage and motivate them. These are complicated situations in which you have to rise to the occasion, but what topics of conversation and plans can you bring up to cheer or cheer someone up ? How to hit those specific topics? Peaceful! We are going to tell y

8 topics of conversation to cheer up a person

When someone is sad, there are more chances of not hitting a topic of conversation than of hitting it. For this reason, we must have the ability to address issues in a positive way and know how to choose the one that best suits each situation.


If there is something that encourages us a lot, it is the fact of making plans for the relatively near future. Planning a trip at the level we want (if there is no money we can do it low cost, but if we can afford it we will do it in luxury) will take time and will be a distraction and motivation for the date to arrive.

When it comes to bringing up this specific topic, you can start by talking about destinations, prices, ways of traveling, the dates that best suit your lifestyle and, of course, planning a travel guide. Who can resist that?

Friends and family

When you bring up a topic of conversation, you don’t have to know the reason for the sadness of the person you want to distract. Perhaps it is the loss of a family member, or even feeling alone. However, if it is possible to turn to family and friends to cheer someone up, we encourage you to do so.

Remembering which family members and which friends you can count on will really help the person feel more accompanied. You can also take the opportunity to encourage her to be grateful, or take the opportunity to meet those people with whom she can really let off steam.

New airs

In times of difficulty, it helps a lot to clean (physically, real) the house. It is something like a metaphor of what we really need. For this reason, we can propose in the conversation a change of scenery or decoration to the house in which that person lives. You can help plan those changes, draw on a map or go shopping.

Look back

Contrary to what you might think, stopping talking about the past doesn’t help. It is necessary to look back, talk about what hurts us and learn to overcome it to move forward. We are not talking about therapy, but perhaps remembering the good things or the things we have learned from years ago will help that person see that what they are going through can also overcome it.

Your illusions

If you know that person you will know what can move them inside, what their illusions are and how we can make them cheer up with them. For example, maybe he is a person who loves animals above all else or he loves cars, motors, adventures or is passionate about reading. Talking about her hobbies and laughing at something related to them will come in handy.

Over you

Being aware that it is a time when the other person needs attention, we can also take a moment to share our hopes with them. If he is a person who empathizes a lot and we tell him good news, he will be able to cheer up with it and be happy for us. We shouldn’t focus attention on ourselves, but it won’t help to focus attention on all the negative things you think are happening to you either.

Do you dare with love?

Whether we are hurt by a love issue or if our spirits are low for any other circumstance, sometimes remembering the most memorable anecdotes of our ex-partners is not bad at all. Knowing how to get a laugh out of everything we’ve been through will help us put a positive bit on everything that happens to us. In the end, the grace of life is that. Or not?

Out taboos

If we really have a person in front of us who is having a bad time, there can be no taboos that prevent us from having an open conversation. Speak honestly but lovingly. If you think you should make a recommendation, such as going to a psychologist to take steps forward, do it gently and without pressing.

Different plans to try to cheer someone up 

Along with the topics of conversation that we can bring up to cheer up a person who is having a bit of a hard time, it is important to choose plans that help this. First of all we will respect the moment of the conversation, on a terrace, in a house… But, after that, we can look for different plans.

Theme park

If the person you want to help loves to release adrenaline, there is nothing better than an amusement park to distract attention and blow off steam. Sometimes, we just need to have fun like children to recover the happiness of the small details and minimize the importance of others.

Nature excursion

Connecting with nature makes us reconnect with ourselves. For this reason, a hiking route or a picnic next to a waterfall can be enough to spend a day of disconnection without too many things around.

Reunion with friends

Together with the topics of conversation that we propose above, we can organize a reunion with friends who live far away and that we haven’t seen for a long time or a small reunion for an afternoon. The important thing is that the person who is sad feels more than loved.

Day trip

There are thousands of beautiful places to visit and spend a day sightseeing. You don’t have to spend a lot of money or go far. It won’t even be a trip but a little getaway to spend the day outside the environment to which we are accustomed. A change of scenery never hurts.

Typical photo day

If what we are looking for is not to spend a lot of money but have a good time, we can make the guide of typical photos. How many things will you have in your city that you see every day, but have never stopped to take pictures of them. Well, the idea here is twofold.

It is about spending a day with the person who is a little down in spirits in which we can talk, walk, visit our city and take photos until we look beautiful in them. As time passes, those photos will become more than just typical images.

Session of…

Cheering up is about feeling good about yourself and, therefore, you can dedicate an entire afternoon to a session of what you like best. It can be anything from a complete beauty session to an afternoon marathon of the most memorable movies, it all depends on the activity you love. Of course, do not miss the music, snacks and a delicious drink.

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