Geeky conversation topics to avoid messing up with geeky people

Surely when you hear the word geek, some people considered ‘weird’ or with somewhat unusual hobbies quickly come to mind. The same will happen to you with geeks, a word used to refer to those who are passionate about technology, computers, computing and advances in these areas.

Despite the fact that some people use these words in a derogatory way to refer to those who have these hobbies, the truth is that as a general rule, geeks or geeks have become just another type of person. We all have the adorable and funny Sheldon Cooper (from the Big Bang Theory series) on our minds, although it is likely that having a conversation with such a person could give us more than one headache.

It may seem that talking to these people is somewhat complicated, but nothing could be further from the truth! In this article, we are going to give you a hand with some geeky topics of conversation so you don’t screw up with geeky people and that you know how to defend yourself against their arguments, or even to form a beautiful friendship. You dare?

What can we talk about with geeky people?

Believe us when we tell you that, once you get into the conversation, the topics will come up on their own one after the other. But, if not, here is a list to take them hidden up your sleeve. Sign them all up!

Find out what he’s a real fan of

Many times we classify geeky people as geeks because they are fans of technology, the latest advances, video games… Do you have a music group or a series that you are passionate about to the point of having a thousand things about it or having seen it a thousand times?? Then you will be able to put yourself in their place perfectly.

Now it’s time to talk about it. Finding out what he is so passionate about is a way, first, to get to know the person and, second, to make him see that you are interested in what he is interested in. Be careful, this does not mean that you are going to become as much of a follower as he is, simply that since you don’t know what he likes to do in his free time, you want him to tell you. This can lead to a very long conversation, so cut when you want.

If you don’t know about it, ask him.

It is possible that the subject he is talking about sounds Chinese to us or that we know about it but not as deeply as a faithful follower can. So it’s time to ask questions to find out a little more about the subject. As this can go on for a long time, go to the parts that really interest you so that the conversation is enriching and enjoyable for both of you.

Time to talk about series and/or movies

It may be that the person in front of you is passionate about specific sagas or movies that talk about the subject and that you have seen some of the movies. Take the opportunity to comment on which aspects you did not like and feel free to say that you have not seen them if you have not. In this regard, there are people who are often offended when you admit that something did not seem good to you, but as long as you do it with respect and in a reasoned manner, there does not have to be a discussion. In the end, it can be a good way to exchange points of view. It’s also a good time to find some common series to talk about.

And about the conventions?

There is a certain curiosity for those who have not attended certain technological or specific conventions in some field. Asking about what is done, how they find out, with whom he is accompanied will also reveal the group of friends with whom he moves.

The latest breakthrough and the future

A topic that you could have with anyone but that will last a long time with someone like that. Let’s talk about the latest advances in technology and what we think can be done in the future. Do you think we can guess the other person’s thoughts? Make us invisible? Move through the air? The advances can be many, but someone very involved in computing, technology or programming will know more exactly what the near future may be or what advances have already been made.

Reading recommendations

Exchanges of titles to read -whether comics, documentaries or novels- never hurt. If you both agree on your passion for reading, exchange titles and recommendations because, without a doubt, it can be very enriching for both of you.

Let’s talk about the universe

Because of the fantasy, the level of science fiction or the interestingness of the subject, the reason does not matter. The fact is that many geeks have a very developed and deep thought about the universe, the afterlife and what is after death. You will be fascinated if you have a level of confidence to talk about it and they will surely surprise you with some of their arguments. Another subject that can give to talk long and hard…

Forums and experiences

Sometimes these people move through forums and chats. They talk, exchange opinions… And it is possible that they have found everything. In fact, it is easy for you to find everything on the internet. If he has been doing it for a while, you can ask him about his experiences in these forums. Has something strange been found? Have you had any bad experiences? Anything anecdotal you want to remember? It is not bad that, just in case he has not experienced anything at all, you take some close anecdote to tell him: “I ask you because a friend once…

Put yourself in his place

If you are entering this world and you are still a bit lost, empathy can be your ally. Imagine, for a moment, that you were in his place, attending a convention or participating in whatever he is participating in. Ask him what you should do or how you move in those areas to be able to get more used to the idea.

Always choose simplicity and be yourself

  • In any case, and whatever topic you choose, you must remember that geeks are completely normal and you should not look at them as anything else. In fact, we shouldn’t even have to say it, but the truth is that we can look at them with some suspicion. This does not mean that to get along with them you have to completely blend in with the environment, you can fit in perfectly by being yourself. Do not believe a mask or a personality that you do not have, ask with simplicity and respect, and if something you have said is ever thrown in your face, remember that you are doing it with respect because it is a world in which you never you have entered
  • If you use this kind of ‘weapons’ and behavior you won’t have to worry about the image you’re giving and, in the end, you’ll feel comfortable sharing time with these people. But you must keep one thing in mind: just like you, you have a way of being that, at least for the moment, you don’t want to change; they also have the same right and their likes and hobbies are as valid as yours.

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