How to cheer up a friend who just broke up with her boyfriend

Your best friend is devastated. Their relationship as a couple has come to an end and their illusions, their hopes and their projects have been shattered. If you have never meddled in your relationship even though you saw the catastrophe coming, it is time for you to take action on the matter and put the broken pieces of your friend back together. Because that’s what friends are for, right? But be very careful because this is a very delicate moment, with confused and contradictory emotions, where an inappropriate phrase of encouragement can leave your friend plunged into despair.

Cheer up your friend

  • What your friend needs most is support and affection, so try to be by her side for as long as you can. That she feels comfortable to cry, to yell, to blame herself or to insult the one who is now her ex-boyfriend. You don’t need to advise her what she has to do, just be there listening to her and hugging her.
  • When the storm of anguish has passed a bit, you can try to introduce a sense of humor into all this drama, but in small doses, to see how he takes it. It is not bad to mix laughter with crying, and if you can organize a meeting with the rest of your friends, surely you will forget about loneliness.
  • Keep in mind that if your friend has just broken up, this is a time for you to listen to them and encourage them to get all their emotions out. You will literally become her crying cloth without missing physical contact so that she feels covered, but in no case is it the time for big speeches.

What you should NOT say

  • Thus, this is not the time to draw your friend the countless advantages of being single, because she is not yet ready to see life without a partner. The set phrases saying that “he was not worth it”, that “everything happens in this life” and that “you will be better without him” are not very effective either. Not because they are not true, but because at this moment they do not bring any comfort to your friend.
  • Of course, it is unnecessary to analyze everything that your friend did wrong in the relationship, or the mistakes she made. But it is also unnecessary to harshly criticize her ex-boyfriend. Show yourself moderate without offending anyone, no matter how much she is calling him everything, you never know if there will be a reconciliation in the future.
  • And don’t even think about coming out with “I warned you so”, “I could see it coming” or “I never liked it for you” because they can make your friend feel much worse. Just follow her into her present emotions, nodding and crying with her. Later on, you will be able to present her situation objectively and honestly.

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