How to react when you find out about a friend’s infidelity

By now we all know that relationships are not perfect, not even those seemingly happy couples who are above good and evil. No one is safe from infidelity. We wonder how you react when you find out about a friend’s infidelity. To begin with, without value judgments.

What do you do when you find out that your friend is unfaithful?

  • She’s your friend and you thought you knew everything about her, but no. You also thought that she lived happily in her relationship, judging by the photos and her love statuses on social networks, but no. One fine day you discover that your friend has cheated on her boyfriend. How do you react?
  • You just don’t have to react. You can’t judge her because that’s not up to you. Nor anyone. No matter how much you reject infidelity, no matter how bad you feel that your friend has betrayed her boyfriend, remember that it is not your relationship we are talking about and that you do not have to do anything at all.
  • Nothing other than listening to your friend if she is the one who told you. Listen to her and support her, that’s why you are friends, but in no case censor her for her deceit. Maybe you don’t feel comfortable being the custodian of a secret like that and the next time you see her boyfriend you’re going to die of nerves. But remember at all times that your friend is her, that your loyalty is to your friend.
  • Now, to be a good friend, it is enough to listen to her, encourage her and not judge, but that does not mean that you should participate in her game. Refuse completely to give you as an excuse to commit her infidelity, that this is not part of the agreement of the best friends. And of course, if someone asks you, you don’t know anything at all.

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