Interesting conversation topics to start talking on WhatsApp

The principles are always complicated, also in WhatsApp. Finding conversation topics to start talking is a challenge, especially if you don’t know the recipient of your messages very well. In these cases, the need to make a good impression and achieve what we have set out to do with that person are factors that cause us great tension. But there is also usually a lot of pressure for the conversation not to wane.

If breaking the ice is always very difficult for you, here are some interesting conversation topics to open a topic on WhatsApp. Much encouragement!

Since I saw him I love him, what do I tell him?

That boy you met at the disco, your friend’s brother, the waiter at the cafeteria you go to every morning… If you love him since you saw him and now, finally, you’ve got his phone number, this list of conversation topics will be very useful. If you don’t know how to open a conversation with him on WhatsApp for the first time and what to keep talking about, take note!

Introduce yourself clearly so that they recognize you

The first message you send him has to serve as an introduction. If you have already met before, but you are not very close, it is important that you present yourself in a way in which he is able to recognize you. It may also be good to tell him how you got his phone number and why you are talking to him.

Ask him about his hobbies

Once the introductions are complete, it’s your turn to find talking points to keep the talk going. If you love that boy or girl and you would like to have something special with him or her, try to get to know him or her a little better but also make yourself known. Therefore, a good excuse for you to find common ground is to ask her about her hobbies.

Tell him something about your past

Childhood anecdotes, pranks and routines from when you were a child, beautiful memories from the past… Talking about these things to the boy you like will allow him to know a little more about you. With this type of conversation topic, you will get him to be more interested in you and see you with other, tenderer eyes.

What to talk about after an argument

If, despite the fact that you are no longer angry, you cannot find a good topic of conversation to start talking again on WhatsApp with your partner, take note! Swallow your pride and talk to him about these matters again.

Talk about what you feel

Now that you are not hot it will be much easier for you to talk about the subject that has made you angry. Tell him what you have felt and show empathy towards what your partner may have felt. Leave vanity parked but do you think pride is going to get you somewhere?

Acknowledge your part of the blame

Starting to talk after an argument by acknowledging blame and apologizing will make the rest of the conversation much more enjoyable.

A photo or a song will suffice

When the fight is due to a nonsense, a special photo of yours, a beautiful phrase or a song that brings back beautiful memories will be enough to make you forget about the discussion. Do not think about it, and take the first step yourself to put an end to bad feelings.

Topics for conversation with a coworker

Whether you want to start talking to that coworker because you want to get along with him better, or you like him and want to get closer, these conversation starters will help you get to know him a little better.

Talk to him about work, but little

Starting to talk about a work topic can help you break the ice for the first time. But if you want your relationship to go beyond work, try not to talk too much about what happens in the office. Otherwise, you will enter a loop and you will not be able to become intimate.

Recommend a movie

Share with him via Whatsapp that movie that you liked so much, that gem of a book that you have come across, your favorite restaurant, the new technological gadget that you have tried… Any of your hobbies are a perfect topic of conversation.

Your sense of love and life

And if your relationship starts to get closer, you might want to talk about a little more transcendental topics: what is love for you, what is the meaning of life, how do you face death… This will allow you to delve a little deeper. In your relationship and get a little intense. If you don’t want to get into disputes, avoid talking about politics, religion, or other contentious topics.

Whatsapp messages with an acquaintance

WhatsApp can be a good ally to get that acquaintance to become your friend. If you send each other messages you will be able to get to know each other a little better and little by little you will become closer. If you are looking for conversation topics to start talking with someone you know, take note.

Talk about what unites you

Use that detail by which you know that person to start a WhatsApp conversation with him. For example, if you know him from your sewing class, you can talk to him about your new project. But if you want to start writing to the mother of a classmate of your son’s school, children can start to be your first topic of conversation. It is about finding what unites you.

Share with him a confidence

If you are very comfortable talking on the phone with that acquaintance, but you want your relationship to be a little friendlier and closer, share a confidence with him or her. It is not about telling him the biggest secret of your life, but surely you can find some intimate matter that you would like to share with him. We are referring, for example, to a problem from the past that you regret or to one of your platonic loves.

Tell him one of your dreams

Talking about your dreams for the future and your desire to prosper can help you unite your friendship. Tell him what you dream of achieving, as well as your life goals. For example, you can talk about your dream of going back to university or traveling to Africa.

Conversation topics for a WhatsApp group

Managing WhatsApp groups can be quite a challenge. Sometimes the fact that it has so many people (even people you can’t stand) makes you feel self-conscious when it comes to speaking. However, there are some topics of conversation that can lead to debate and thus keep the group of friends alive.

Submit a joke or meme

Surely your mobile gallery is full of memes, funny videos and jokes. You can start a conversation in that WhatsApp group by forwarding one of these funny messages. Another way to start a conversation is by sending a video with that new song that you can’t get out of your head.

Talk about the memories of your meetings

Get a little nostalgic and reminisce about some of the best moments from your previous meetings. Surely you will enliven the talk and cause a smile. So as not to make anyone feel bad, keep in mind that there may be members of the group who did not attend that appointment.

About a sports competition

Football, basketball, Olympic Games… Sport is usually a recurring and useful topic to start a conversation with everyone who is a fan of different sports competitions.

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