I’ve hooked up with my best friend, now what?

Surely you have experienced that situation in which your best friend is everything to you. You get along so well with him that, at times, you have considered that he is something more. However, after a while you realize that no, that your friendship is unique and there could never be anything more between you. But one night you go out to a party or meet around and suddenly, without realizing it, you end up hooking up and spending the night together. The next day, you open your eye and discover that you have hooked up with your best friend!

What to do after hooking up with your best friend 

And now that? What are you going to do? A lot of things go through your mind: perhaps you will never speak to each other again or your friendship will never be the same again. Everything will be spoiled and you will always regret what you have done. So that this does not happen, we give you a series of tips that will help you react the next day. Watch out!

  • Let a few hours pass. It is always good to react cold and not hot. Therefore, allow about 3 or 4 hours to pass to write to him and ask him how he woke up.
  • Write to see you. That would be the perfect situation, to discuss things in person so there are no misunderstandings, but it is possible that one of the two refuses to meet in person (out of embarrassment or fear). If so, it can only be by phone or, in the worst case, by WhatsApp.
  • Use trust. If you are friends, you will be confident enough to talk to each other. Take advantage and be honest with what happened: Was it nonsense? Do you forget it and let it go? Talking about what has happened is undoubtedly the most important step in moving forward.
  • Decide what you prefer. Perhaps you both have realized that you feel something more, perhaps you want to be friends with benefits or just friends. Both of you must agree so that there are no bad feelings between you. At this point, sincerity will be key, even if it is difficult!
  • Commitment from both of us. Whether you decide to let it go or not, you both have to make the commitment that everything stays the same between you.

What you should never do if you mess with your best friend

The previous steps are the perfect tips to get out of that sea of ​​doubts that has arisen with your best friend. However, there are certain things you should never do if you don’t want to drive a wedge between you.

  • Let more than two days pass. You have messed up and you have to assume it. Letting days go by without saying anything won’t help at all. Just like if he writes to you and you read it and don’t answer.
  • Blaming him that it was his fault. Two do not get involved if one does not want to, assume your “part of the blame” (if you want to call it that) and accept that you have both been wrong (or not).
  • Remind him of what happened every so often. If you’ve decided to remain friends, reminding him of that night over and over again won’t help.
  • Separate and mark too much distance. Unless you have decided that in your conversation, being distant, borderline or, directly, disappearing, is not an option! This will only spoil your friendship.

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