Philosophical conversation topics to talk to someone intellectual

When we believe that we already have all the flirting tactics mastered, suddenly someone arrives and dismantles all our beliefs. Just when you thought winking and smiling was done, you come across a person who needs an intellectual conversation that will challenge them. And then all the schemes break because, in reality, you like him and you are attracted to the idea of ​​knowing more about him.

After a brief chat, you realize that you are passionate about this conversation, but you are afraid of not being up to the task of someone so… Philosophical? Interesting people attract us beyond the physical, but many times knowing what to talk about can make us very nervous. Therefore, here is a list of philosophical conversation topics to talk to someone intellectual and create an interesting, varied dialogue and, above all, in which there is no room for discussions but arguments.

What can you talk about with an intellectual person?

Sometimes it can be a little respectful to face this type of situation, but the most important thing is to be calm and recognize if a subject is beyond your limits of knowledge. For example, you can say: “I’m sorry, I get lost there. If you control, tell me a little more…” In this sense, it is essential to never overreact.

The ideal is to recognize that you don’t have much idea about a specific field (you can’t know everything) than being caught trying to talk about something you don’t know. So remember: above all, you must be very natural. To give you a hand, we propose these topics of conversation about which you can talk with an intellectual person:

The universe

  • If you have ever stopped to think about the universe, you will have realized that it is an area to be studied that is getting out of hand. What do we understand by universe? Do we realize why it is formed? Do you think we will get to know the whole universe?
  • In this area there are things that attract more attention than others. There are those who, for example, would love to travel to space at least once in their lives. There are people who think that this should be for professionals. Others think that if we continue to leave “space junk” we will destroy the universe and another group that will end up living there. If you are passionate about the subject, it is certainly one of those that can be given for a long time.

Are we the only inhabitants of the universe?

Closely linked to the previous theme is that of believing that we are alone in the universe. Perhaps your companion thinks so and that is why human beings are so exceptional, perhaps they think no but that we will never find out, perhaps that we will but it will be life in a different way from what they have always portrayed us in the movies or perhaps they think that, among us, there are already several camouflaged extraterrestrials to learn how we live. It’s a really interesting topic…

Life and our goal in it

We exist but what is life for us? It can be a mere path or you can think that you have a goal in it and the path itself is traveled to find out what it is. If this conversation goes well and you open up to share certain things, it may end up being very enriching , even knowing what goals he has in life and leading to others like the ones we are going to tell you about below.

Fate and what we want

Do we choose what happens to us? Is it already marked by destiny? Is it possible to choose the path even if we have a destination? The discussion between whether what happens to us is the result of our choices or we had it already marked from our birth has always existed. This is one of the conversations that may lead to the topic of religion, which we will discuss below.

The religion

  • Undoubtedly, one of the topics (like politics) that is always left aside in social events. Because? Perhaps it is because, once we have an opinion or belief formed on this subject, we tend to be somewhat intolerant or stubborn with the arguments of others. A “you are not going to change what I think no matter how much you explain how you live it”. So the first and necessary thing to address this topic is to change that chip and be open to listening to arguments and reasoning of all kinds, like the ones you would do. This will help us understand what a person who is opposed to us thinks on this point and, in addition, perhaps it will give us arguments to continue incorporating into our discourse.
  • When approaching this conversation, we can spin it with one of the first topics that we proposed to you: the universe. There are those who prefer not to say that they believe in God, but rather in the energies and forces that govern the universe, that guide us and mark the way. It is a belief after all. To begin you can ask directly: “And seeing, for example, how big the universe is and how much it escapes us… Does that make you believe in some kind of God? Or vice versa?” Trust us, the conversation is usually fluid in these cases, whether you agree or not. Of course, if you see that it leads to an argument, cut it off as soon as possible.


Have you ever wondered how you face death? Are you scared? What close experiences have you had? Family, friends, you… Talking about the end of life can always give a little respect but, in the end, it is something that can show us a lot about what a person is like. Together with this we can also ask ourselves what we think lies beyond. If we believe in reincarnation, if we think it is possible to communicate with the afterlife, if we are only a body or also a soul, what happens to it when we die…?


  • When we face this issue we must be careful because it can tell us a lot about a person. At this point, the image you have of her may change, but it is important to put it on the table: we are talking about ethics. We can raise as a topic of conversation what is fair and unfair for you, including talking about public cases in which we believe that judges or the public have been fair or unfair to the case.
  • Beyond this, we can ask to what extent you think you have the right to decide about others, moral dilemmas or even if you would defend the death penalty and in which cases. We can also talk about what would be the first measure we would take if we came to power and what things we would implement and what not.
  • These topics of conversation can help us not only to chat for hours with the person in front of us, but also to get an idea of ​​what they are like, how they think, and how they would act in certain situations. But, above all, it is important that you do not judge and be tolerant. We all have the right to have an opinion and argue it –within the limits of ethics-. Talking with a person who thinks the same as you will be fine, but chatting with someone who doesn’t think the same as you will enrich you a lot.

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