The danger of flirting with a friend on WhatsApp

Once you take the step there is no turning back. Flirting with a friend via WhatsApp entails a series of dangers (also joys) that perhaps you should know before taking the first step or, rather, before sending the first message, photo, emoticon or audio, because we must recognize that One of the great advantages of dating on WhatsApp is the amount of resources it offers you.

Advantages of flirting by WhatsApp with a friend

  • The success of using whatsapp to flirt with a friend lies in small details that we will describe below.
  • You can send him messages with intention to see where he comes out without committing you to anything. That you see that you don’t follow the roll, as simple as leaving the game.
  • If, on the contrary, it seems that he also has feelings for you, you can create much more sexual tension in that relationship that has just been born.
  • It can be a way to get to know each other better and, even if yours doesn’t work out in the end, you get to know each other thoroughly and go from being friends to best friends.
  • In the event that the two of you want to continue with that relationship, it will always be something that you can keep private and virtually, and that does not have to transcend to others, unless you accidentally send your soul mate the message what was for him
  • But perhaps one of the great advantages of flirting with a friend on WhatsApp is that you won’t be short of conversion issues. You know him perfectly, you know what his hobbies are and what bothers him. You have a great road done.

Disadvantages of flirting on WhatsApp with a friend 

  • In which cases should you cross the friend zone? That decision must be made by you. What do you prefer: continue to suffer in silence for that person or take a risk, knowing that the answer may be negative and that you could lose him forever?
  • the most negative point of flirting with a friend by whastapp is that this “friend” is not only on your mobile as a private contact, but also within different groups. If in the end the relationship does not come to fruition and you want to forget about him, it is more difficult for you.
  • In addition, the fact that you are both in the same groups can make other people find out (even if you have wanted to keep it anonymous) and you can be a topic of conversation.
  • Or what is worse than, out of spite, you throw a fist in a WhatsApp group where you are both and a big mess comes up. Then you will ask yourself: Why is it so difficult to flirt with a friend on WhatsApp?
  • You can start sending each other messages, but perhaps you have a clear objective, to conquer your friend, but he has taken it as a game and you can end up hurt.
  • You know, because he has sent you thousands of messages on whatsapp, his loving past and that can weigh heavily on you. Not to mention that you know very well that he still has his ex in contact.

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