Why your friends are always the best possible plan

Many people spend half their lives searching for the perfect relationship when in reality they have everything they need in their own environment. The importance of friendship versus the importance of love. We tell you why your friends are always the best possible plan. Always choose your friends.

Friends are the great plan of your life

  • It is very good to have an ideal boyfriend to spend winter Sundays cuddling on the sofa under the blanket. It’s fine, but it’s better to have friends, good friends, with whom you can spend unforgettable moments and with whom the relationship can be forever. It is very clear, friends will always be your best plan.
  • It should be said that friends are not incompatible with having a happy couple. The important thing is that you don’t put them aside, that you don’t neglect them for love. Because love comes and goes, but friends stay, they are always there through thick and thin. They will always be your point of support, the ones that balance your world or the ones that unbalance it, but they will never let go of your hand.
  • Friends give you those magical moments that make life worth living. Going out to a party with your friends, going on vacation with your friends, spending the afternoon with your friends, a night at home with your friends… the best plans, the funniest plans, the ones that make you the happiest are always with your friends.
  • With friends you feel like you are part of something important. And you love your family. And you love your partner, but your friends are the ones that make you love yourself more. The ones that teach you to accept yourself as you are, because they love you precisely for who you are, the ones that take care of keeping your self-esteem in good condition and the ones that show you that unconditional love does exist.

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